Registration Form Instructions

Far from being just a sign-up form, our Student’s Registration Form is a comprehensive document, designed to provide the Coram Deo staff with all the necessary details (and authorisations) in one place.

You will be asked to provide details of the student, as well as information of a more operational nature, which will be relevant during everyday operations at the micro-school.

Filling in the form takes usually between 15 and 20 minutes.  When starting the process, please make sure you have the following information available:

Student’s Medical History

  • Name and contact details of your GP and/or medical centre (if applicable)
  • Special needs of your child (if applicable)
  • Information about any allergies (if applicable) and what procedure(s) are to be followed if the condition needs to be attended to at the micro-school.
  • Any regular medications taken by your child


  • Emergency contacts (primary and secondary)

Goals and abilities

  • What is you educational goal for your child
  • You child’s abilities, hobbies, interests, etc.

On the other hand, you will not need to:

  • Have a debit/credit card ready. Payments shall be sent via bank transfer.
  • Provide any pictures or scans

Enrol today!

The 2025 enrolment is open for K-12 in several locations around Perth.


8 AM – 4 PM


Billabong Community Centre – 40 Liffey St, Canning Vale WA 6155


0422 122 545


